The Wedding of Andrew & Amanda

by Nigel Sia

I got to know Andrew sometime in August 2010 through the blogging scene here in Kuala Lumpur.
Known among many as ‘runningandrew’ – yes, he loves to run – Andrew
is a friendly chap and one could easily warm up to him through
conversations about music, photography and food.

It all started when he emailed me one day asking whether
I was available to shoot his secret proposal back in December 2010.
Unfortunately, the day he was gonna propose fell on the week that I was out
of the country. Luckily, my senior shooter – Ren was available.

Fast forward 10 months later and we have Andrew and Amanda
tying the knot on a beautiful sunny Saturday. Here are some video stills
before the actual video at the bottom of this post, check it out :

Great day to get married.

The stained glass calls for attention for any art lover.

Lovely flower setup at the aisle.

Andrew and Amanda before God.

Amanda from inside the car.

The Chiam family.

“Take this ring as a sign of…”

The rings.

Doing the rites.

It’s a Sony!

Liturgy of the Word.

Paying full attention.

Amanda’s parents putting on the veil.

Andrew getting ready. Like how his dad is making sure of things.

Andrew and the boys. There’s more guys than this though.

Upon reaching Amanda’s house, Andrew kisses the youngest in her family that opened his door.

Let the games begin!

Drink up!

Final hurdle before getting to Amanda – answering questions about her.

Flower girls!

“You may have my daughter…”

Andrew’s dad shed a tear during the vows.

Sign, sealed and married!

Mr and Mrs. Chiam

Some fun with the boys.

Tea ceremony at the Tiew’s.

In the light.

“Congrats buddy!”

“Let us welcome them again…”

On stage.

Another memorable moment here when Andrew thanks his parents.

Pop it and pour it.


Photo session at church.

“They are no longer two, therefore, but one body.”

And finally, here’s the highlights – check it out!


Here’s wishing you both all the best!


Much thanks to Jason for
coming out to assist me on the day.

Remember to check out my Facebook page
for more stuff not posted here.